Tuesday, 3 July 2012


Regular writing rhythm now in place.
Weekdays 9pm - 10.30pm. Hard to start the routine but now hard to stop it.

I'm aiming to get 7-8 short stories written as  exercises in form and method.

Three dark tales are on the bench at the moment. I'm experimenting with ways of putting them together, using a different process for each.

1. The Screes - Modern day Cumbrian ghost story told by three different characters. About 80% through, and using the method of just writing the damn thing, then revising several times.

2. The Cartographer's Approach - A weird tale involving a boy and an grown up alone on a beach. This one is being put together in a snowflake format first, it's a method used for novels normally but playing with it here.

3. A Diversion to Augenes - A more traditional tale, styled on Poe, about a psychology post graduate travelling through France and calling in at an asylum to see how they carry out their practice. For this I'm using James Moran's process of braindump and bulleting.

A bit of evening industry.